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Measurement and Reporting

Learn how to measure and optimize your campaigns in real time.
Klaviyo IntegrationYou will learn how to synchronize and activate your Klaviyo audiences when using Vibe. Also, learn how Vibe sends an imp event to Klaviyo.
Web Tracking
Pixel tracking web users
Vibe Pixel TrackingLearn how to install the Vibe Pixel.
Install Vibe Pixel in Google Tag ManagerLearn how to install a Vibe Pixel on GTM.
Vibe Pixel Tracking with WixLearn how to install the Vibe Pixel on your Wix website.
Vibe Pixel Tracking on ShopifyLearn how to install the Vibe Pixel on your Shopify website.
Vibe Pixel Tracking with WordPress/ElementorLearn how to install the Vibe Pixel on your Wordpress website.
Vibe Pixel Tracking on BigCommerceLearn how to install the Vibe Pixel on your BigCommerce website.
Mobile Tracking
Tracking app and mobile users
AppsFlyer IntegrationVibe easily integrates with AppsFlyer to let you run your campaigns with Vibe while using the AppsFlyer SDK for attribution and reporting.
Adjust IntegrationVibe easily integrates with Adjust to let you run your campaigns with Vibe while using the Adjust SDK for attribution and reporting.
Singular IntegrationVibe easily integrates with Singular to let you run your campaigns with Vibe while using the Singular SDK for attribution and reporting.
Airbridge IntegrationVibe easily integrates with Airbridge to let you run your campaigns with Vibe while using the Airbridge SDK for attribution and reporting.
Find and measure campaign results
Measure your Campaign Performance
Web Attribution and Attribution WindowsHow do we attribute web visits to your campaigns.
How to Download Reports
GA4 IntegrationTrack your CTV campaign results with Vibe's GA4 integration (Google Analytics 4).
Vibe API reportingThis page helps you get started with Vibe Reporting API.
Vibe API reporting and SingularThis page helps you understand the Vibe Reporting API and Singular integration.