General information
We're thrilled to introduce our reporting API.
If you're interested in accessing our reporting API, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Generating Your API Key
All API requests require an API token. You can generate your API key directly from your Vibe account by following these steps:
Go to Account Settings
Create a New API Key
🚨 Copy & Store Your API Key Safely 🚨
For security reasons, you won’t be able to view the key again after this step.
Click "Copy" and store it in a secure location.
📌 Important: If you lose your API key, you’ll need to generate a new one.
Now, you can use your API key for authentication by adding it as a header in your requests:
X-API-KEY: your_api_key_here
Rate Limits
There is no rate limiting implemented at the moment but Vibe reserves the right to adjust the rate limit for given endpoints to continue and provide a high quality of service to all of our customers.
Vibe is updating the data every hour. The figures might evolve slightly as it is still partial data, because of the CTV environment, until six or seven hours post-impression.
We suggest fetching at least 1 day of past data, and also erasing the last day of data when requesting API reports.
List of Reporting API Endpoints
For the current version of the API (v1), only async reporting endpoints are available.
Name | Method | URL | Description |
Create Async Report | POST | Return a report_id for a specifically asked report (dimensions, metrics, filters etc.). This report_id is then used to fetch the report download URL from the Get Report Status endpoint. | |
Get Report Status | GET | Returns the status of a given report - and if ready a download URL. | |
Get Advertiser IDs | GET | Returns the list of advertiser ID and their associated name. | |
Get Advertiser App IDs | GET | Return the app ID list of a given advertiser. |
Create Async Report Endpoint
This is the main endpoint for getting reporting data from Vibe. The endpoint generates an asynchronous report query based on the reporting dimensions, metrics, filters, and other details that you specify, and returns the Report ID. The next step is to query the ”Get Report Status” endpoint to see when the report is done and to get a download URL.
HTTP Header | Format | Description | Mandatory |
X-API-KEY | String | API key to use as an authentification measure to the API. | Y |
Basic parameters
Parameter | Format | Description | Mandatory | Example |
start_date | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Minimum date for which to return data. Should be between 45 days ago and the current date. | Y | 2024-01-13 |
end_date | Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | The maximum date for which to return data. The data returned will include records up to, but not including, the specified end_date. The valid range is from 45 days ago to the current date. | Y | 2024-01-20 |
timezone | String (Timezone Identifier*) | Timezone of the returned data. The supported timezone list is available at the end of the documentation. | N (UTC by default) | America/New_York |
advertiser_id | String OR List of String | The advertiser id(s) for which you are requesting the data. Should be owned by the tenant requesting the API key. | Y | e3f628ee-35a4-4895-80f1-d4f8a56986ad |
Field selection parameters
Parameter | Format | Description | Mandatory | Example |
dimensions | String | A JSON list of dimensions. See Metrics, Dimensions, and Filters for more information about each dimension. If not sent in the payload, only the metrics per date will be returned in the report. | N | ["advertiser_id", "advertiser_name", "channel_name"] |
metrics | String | A JSON list of metrics. See Metrics, Dimensions, and Filters for more information about each dimension. At least one metric must be in the list. | Y | ["spend","impressions"] |
attribution_window | String | The desired attribution window for web-pixel metrics. Will affect web-pixel metrics only. | N (7 days by default) | "30 days" |
granularity | String | The desired time aggregation granularity. | N (day by default) | "week" |
event_time_selection | String | Determines how events are attributed in reporting. | N ("event_time" by default) | "event_time" |
Filtering parameters
Parameter | Format | Description | Mandatory | Example |
filters | JSON | A JSON list of filter objects where each contains a dimension and value(s). Use this parameter to apply more advanced filtering. Note that if you specify more than one filter they will be applied with an AND relation. | N | '[{"dimension": "campaign_id", "values": ["2b54b588-19a9-4424-a368-b30df9fea6ae"]}, {"dimension": "strategy_id", "values": ["763c5d2b-68eb-4ddd-9c34-ad6025c24ffb", "981a05f4-7203-4c23-8eeb-5c8a3047792b"]}]' |
Formatting parameters
Parameter | Format | Description | Mandatory | Example |
format | String | The format in which the query results will be delivered. Options: "JSON" (default) or "CSV" (comma used as separator). | Y | CSV |
Metrics, Dimensions, and Filters
Name | Format | Description |
spend | Float | Ad-spend amount in US dollars. |
impressions | Float | Number of impressions. Float and not an Integer, because impressions can be split among multiple app IDs, (MMP-only). |
households | Float | Number of unique households reached. |
cpm | Float | Cost per mille impressions in USD. |
completed_views | Float | Number of completed views (100%). |
cost_per_completed_view | Float | Cost per completed views in USD. |
view_through_rate | Float | Completed views divided by impressions (value returned in percentage format). |
number_of_page_views | Float | Number of page views attributed to Vibe. |
cost_per_page_view | Float | Cost per page view in USD. |
number_of_sessions | Float | Number of sessions attributed to Vibe. |
cost_per_session | Float | Cost per session in USD. |
number_of_leads | Float | Number of leads attributed to Vibe. |
cost_per_lead | Float | Cost per lead in USD. |
installs | Float | Number of app installs attributed to Vibe. |
cost_per_install | Float | Cost per app install in USD. |
number_of_purchases | Float | Number of in-app purchases attributed to Vibe if you are using an MMP or number of web purchases attributed to Vibe if you are using a Vibe pixel. |
cost_per_purchase | Float | Cost per purchase in USD. |
amount_of_purchases | Float | Amount of in-app purchases attributed to Vibe in US dollars. |
number_of_signups | Float | Number of in-app signups attributed to Vibe if you are using an MMP. |
cost_per_signup | Float | Cost per signup in USD |
number_of_custom_1 | Float | Number of custom 1 events attributed to Vibe if you are using an MMP. |
cost_per_custom_1 | Float | Cost per custom 1 in USD |
number_of_custom_2 | Float | Number of custom 2 events attributed to Vibe if you are using an MMP. |
cost_per_custom_2 | Float | Cost per custom 2 in USD |
number_of_custom_3 | Float | Number of custom 3 events attributed to Vibe if you are using an MMP. |
cost_per_custom_3 | Float | Cost per custom 3 in USD |
roas | Float | Return on ad Spend (value returned in percentage format). |
Name | Format | Description |
impression_date | String (YYYY-MM-DD) | Date of the impression in the requested timezone. The default timezone is UTC. |
advertiser_id | String (UUID) | UUID represents the Advertiser ID in the Vibe platform. |
advertiser_name | String | Advertiser Name in the Vibe platform. |
campaign_id | String (UUID) | UUID represents the Campaign ID in the Vibe platform. |
campaign_name | String | Campaign Name in the Vibe platform. |
strategy_id | String (UUID) | UUID represents the Strategy ID in the Vibe platform. |
strategy_name | String | Strategy Name in the Vibe platform. |
creative_id | String (UUID) | UUID represents the Creative ID in the Vibe platform. |
creative_name | String | Creative Name in the Vibe platform. |
app_id | String | Android or iOS App ID. Note that when specified, if you have multiple app IDs, the impressions and ad spend will be split evenly between app IDs. |
os | String | Os of the app_id (Android or IOS). |
screen | String | Screen on which the impression occurred (TV, Mobile, Tablet) |
channel_name | String | The channel name on which the impression occurred (Pluto, ESPN, Tubi, etc.) |
geo_region | String | The region (US state), in which the impression occurred. |
geo_metro | String | The metro (DMA), in which the impression occurred. |
geo_city | String | The city in which the impression occurred. |
geo_zip | String | The zip code in which the impression occurred. |
segment_ages | String | The age audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_career | String | The career audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_education | String | The education audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_estimated_incomes | String | The estimated income audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_estimated_net_worth | String | The estimated net worth audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_ethnicity | String | The ethnicity audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_family_composition | String | The family composition audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_genders | String | The gender audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_interests | String | The interest audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_languages | String | The language audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_political_status | String | The political audience on which the impression occurred. |
segment_retargeting | String | The retargeting audience on which the impression occurred. |
Name | Format | Description |
app_id | String | In the App environment, app_id of the apps on which the in-app events are tracked (iOS or Android). For instance (Android), id1234567 (IOS). |
campaign_id | String (UUID) | UUID represents the Campaign ID in the Vibe platform. |
strategy_id | String (UUID) | UUID represents the Strategy ID in the Vibe platform. |
Name | Format | Description |
report_id | String (UUID) | The report ID corresponds to your payload. |
Sample query and output
Query snippet (Python)
import requests
# Values to set for a quick test
START_DATE = "2024-08-01"
END_DATE = "2024-08-02"
APP_IDS = ["<APP_ID_1>", "<APP_ID_2>"]
# Payload and headers
payload = {
"advertiser_id": ADVERTISER_ID,
"metrics": [
"dimensions": ["campaign_name", "app_id"],
"start_date": START_DATE,
"end_date": END_DATE,
"timezone": TIMEZONE,
"format": "csv",
"filters": [
"dimension": "app_id",
"values": APP_IDS,
headers = {'X-API-KEY': X_API_KEY}
# Generate async report
create_response =
"", json=payload, headers=headers
response_data = create_response.json()
{"report_id": "946fcf93-0a58-4dee-9534-88ff133b8ec8"}
Get Report Status Endpoint
This endpoint returns the status of a given report that was generated using the “Create Async Report” endpoint. If the report has finished running, the endpoint also returns a download URL.
Reports can sometimes take up to a few minutes to complete.
Do not query the Get Report endpoint more than once every 10 seconds per report.
Set a timeout. In some rare cases, a report can get stuck in "created" or "processing" status. If the status is not "done" or "error" after 30 minutes, we recommend submitting the report again (which will give you a new report ID to query).
When ready, a report is available through a URL only for 24 hours.
Query parameters
HTTP Header | Format | Description | Mandatory | Example |
X-API-KEY | String | API key to use as an authentification measure to the API. | Y |
Basic parameters
Name | Format | Description | Mandatory |
report_id | String (UUID) | A Report ID is returned by the Create Async Report endpoint. | Y |
Name | Format | Description | Example value |
report_id | String (UUID) | The report ID for which you asked the status. | 946fce93-0a58-4dee-9534-88ff133b8ec8 |
status | String | The status of the report: | done |
generated_url_time | String | Generation time of the URL to download the report. | 2024-01-01T08:26:18.457690+00:00 |
url_expiration_time | String | Expiration time of the URL to download the report. | 2024-01-30T08:26:18.457690+00:00 |
download_url | String | The download URL of the report. |
Sample query and output
Query snippet (Python)
import uuid
import time
import requests
# Values to set for a quick test
# Check if report is ready
headers = {'X-API-KEY': X_API_KEY}
while True:
get_status_response = requests.get(
if (
"status" in get_status_response
and get_status_response["status"] != "CREATED" and get_status_response["status"] != "PROCESSING"
print(f'{REPORT_UUID} : {get_status_response}')
print('Sleeping 10 seconds as report is not ready yet')
"status": "done",
"generated_url_time": "2024-01-01T08:26:18.457690+00:00",
"url_expiration_time": "2024-01-30T08:26:18.457690+00:00",
"download_url": "",
"report_id": "946fce93-0a58-4dee-9534-88ff133b8ec8"
Get Advertiser IDs Endpoint
This endpoint returns all the advertiser IDs and their associated advertiser names.
Query Parameters
HTTP Header | Format | Description | Mandatory | Example |
X-API-KEY | String | API key to use as an authentification measure to the API. | Y |
"advertiser_id": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa",
"advertiser_name": "Advertiser"
Get Advertiser App IDs Endpoint
This endpoint returns all the app ID values available for a given advertiser.
Query parameters
HTTP Header | Format | Description | Mandatory | Example |
X-API-KEY | String | API key to use as an authentification measure to the API. | Y |
Basic parameters
Name | Format | Description | Mandatory |
advertiser_id | String (UUID) | Advertiser on which you want to return the list of App IDs. | Y
Name | Format | Description | Example value |
app_ids | List[String] | List of App IDs. | ["","id1234567"] |
Error Codes
Vibe uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, 200 codes correspond to success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted), and 5xx codes are for other issues.
Code | Information |
400 | General error code, please check the error message for additional context. For instance, provided start_date could be more recent than the end_date. |
403 | The request is denied access. It can happen for instance if you try to access an advertiser ID data which does not belong to the tenant owning the API key you are using. |
422 | The query parameters or payload do not match the expected format. Please check the error message for additional context. |
500 | The request has failed due to an internal error. Typically, this just means you should retry your API call. |
Timezones supported
Timezone Identifier |
Europe/Amsterdam |
America/Los_Angeles |
America/Phoenix |
Europe/Berlin |
America/Denver |
Asia/Seoul |
Europe/Helsinki |
America/New_York |
Europe/Istanbul |
Europe/Stockholm |
Europe/London |
Asia/Shanghai |
Asia/Tel_Aviv |
Revision 2024-11-14
Updated endpoints
Create Async Report
Segment dimensions can be fetched only one by one per request.