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A glossary of CTV and OTT advertising terms

Nicolas Hemidy avatar
Written by Nicolas Hemidy
Updated over a week ago

Advertiser: On the Vibe platform, advertiser is a term that allows users to separate campaign groups by brand, client, or product category. If you are creating campaigns for one brand, simply enter the brand name in the advertiser menu once.

Bidding: A bid is the maximum amount of money a user is willing to pay for each delivered ad. Vibe offers users 2 bidding strategies: Automatic and Manual. Automatic bidding triggers Vibe’s ability to minimize the amount spent per CPM. It is the recommended strategy. Manual bidding, on the other hand, allows the user to set a fixed amount that will be entered for every bid.

Budget type: The Vibe platform currently offers 2 types of budgets that users can select for each campaign: Daily and Lifetime. A Daily Budget will spend the entirety of a specific amount set by the user, daily. A Lifetime Budget will divide a user’s set budget over the lifetime of a campaign.

Campaign: A campaign can include one set of targets and creative, or several, separated into different strategies. Each campaign can include as many creative files as you wish, and be delivered to audiences targeted by location, age, gender, screen type (TV, tablet, or phone), or channel.

CPM (Cost Per Mille): CPM is the average cost of one thousand ad impressions or the average amount advertisers pay every thousand times their CTV ad is loaded. Vibe users can select automatic bidding which will optimize campaign spending for the lowest CPM or set the maximum CPM they are willing to spend manually.

Deliverability: Ad deliverability corresponds to Vibe’s ability to deliver a user’s CTV ads to their target audience. Use it to set impactful targeting filters.

Inventory: The Vibe inventory encompasses over 500 TV channels and apps. Users can upload their ad to all channels or easily make a custom selection in the inventory menu.

MMP: MMP stands for Mobile Measurement Partner. Vibe works with several third-party attribution companies that collect, organize, and present CTV campaign data in a unified and objective way in order to provide users with radically transparent reporting. Vibe currently partners with AppsFlyer, Singular, and Adjust. Find more information on MMP integrations here.

Retargeting: Retargeting with CTV means showing an ad to your web visitors on the streaming service of their choice. All you only need to do is implement your pixel code, and Vibe will automatically create a custom audience pool for you to retarget. That pool will continue to grow as Vibe collects more data. We recommend users have at least 15K monthly web visitors for optimal results.

Screens: Vibe currently delivers ads on television screens, tablets, and phones. Users can choose to deliver their ads on 1, 2, or all 3 types of screens, according to their campaign strategy.

Strategy: Defining a strategy allows the user to determine which creative to use within specific targeting parameters. Users can define as many strategies per campaign as needed. For a Father’s Day campaign, for example, advertisers can define separate ad sets within the campaign, also known as strategies. If a user’s campaign only needs one set of targets and creatives, they can simply fill out one strategy.

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